Sunday, 23 December 2012

Gound Meva Dry Nuts Ladoo for Lactating Mothers


  • 100 gm Kaju
  • 100 gm Kismis
  • 200 gm Makhana
  • 100 gm Gondh
  • 200 gm Chuhara (Dry Dates)
  • 200 gm Kajur (Soft/wet Dates)
  • 100 gm Chirongi
  • 100 gm Dry coconut, grated
  • 10 gm Ajwain
  • 10 gm Saunf
  • 10 gm Saunt
  • 10 gm Haldi powder
  • 10 gm Khuskhus
  • 250 gm Atta / Wheat flour


  1. Deep fry Gond, as it needs more ghee. It will pop like popcorn.
  2. Next Makana, lightly roasted in ghee.
  3. Roast these in ghee - Kaju, Kismis, Khuskhus, Chirongi.
  4. Blend the above in mixer along with Coconut, Chuhara and Kajur, to a coarse consistency.
  5. Roast the flour with a little ghee and then mix them all.
  6. Now to the most skillful part of it all - make laddoos of this mix.

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